My Playlist

Friday, June 4, 2010

Me and My Pal!

Here's sort of a crappy cell phone picture of me and my friend! He came over to play for a little bit last night.
Mommy hasn't been blogging very much because her camera is still broken, but the good news is....she is getting a new one!
I have been sort of a crankypants these days because I am in the process of getting two more teeth. They are right there and ready to come out. Instead of the top two they are the "fangs" on the top. So once they pop out I might look like a vampie (a cute vampire but a vampire, nonetheless).
I also took my FIRST STEP the other day! It was very exciting! I was a little afraid at first but I went for it and was so proud of myself that I squealed and shrieked! That is something that I also enjoy doing a lot these days. It's generally fun to make as much noise as I possibly can!
My sleeping has been pretty good these days but I still usually wake up once a night. The earlier I go to bed the better I sleep during the night. And I do my best sleeping in my own crib. It is hard for me to adjust to anywhere else (like mommy's bed, a pack 'n play in a hotel, or anywhere else that is unfamiliar).
Well, that's about all for now, hopefully once we get our new camera mommy will get on the ball and take some more pictures!

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