My Playlist

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Jack 'o Lantern!

It's that time of year again-Halloween! I was really excited to carve a Jack 'O Lantern this year! My Auntie Mel came over and helped me. I was more interested in eating the pumpkin than carving it, however. It was a really windy night so when it came time to light candle Auntie Mel did have a little trouble. Eventually we succeeded though and I thought it looked pretty cool on our porch! Here are a couple of pics of the event!

Oh, and just in case anyone has been wondering, here are some thing that I have been up to:

-saying all kinds of words: hot, duck, dog, attempted "yellow", nut, and ball.

-speaking of balls, I have been trying to throw the ball for my dog, Tug. He's pretty impatient but I still have a lot of fun trying!

-I have been waking up quite early in the mornings for some reason. Like around 5:30 or sometimes earlier! This doesn't work out too well so mommy is trying to figure out the reason for this. It's not fun to have a cranky baby who didn't get enough rest on her hands!

-I'm pretty much down to one nap a day.

-I adore books and bring mommy or grammy books to read to me.

-I also love my Wee Sing train. I can ride it but it is also teaching me words and sounds. It is fun!

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