My Playlist

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Foggy Bottoms Milk Run

This weekend was the Foggy Bottom Milk Run! I came out to cheer on my Auntie Mel! I was so proud of her because she finished her race in record time. Then she gave me lots of big kisses when the race was over with. I even wore my sneakers for the occasion. Even though I can't run (or walk, or crawl quite yet) I think they are pretty cute!
Speaking of crawling. I am thisclose to doing it! I get on all fours and rock and rock and get really frustrated because I just want to MOVE! I am also working on several more teeth. This makes for some restless nights. Mommy says it is definitely harder to wake up in the middle of the night with me when she isn't used to it. Thankfully I have only done this two nights this week. *Fingers crossed* that it won't be a new trend that I am starting!
I am also eating lots more food. I love pretty much everything mommy gives me. I eat baby food but it's kind of boring. It's MUCH more interesting to see what everyone else is eating. If mommy holds me and is trying to eat, I generally scream until I get to taste it, or at least touch it. I also love to drink water from her cup. Sippy cups are for little babies, cups are for big boys, like me!


  1. So cute with the Nikes! J loves water, too, and had his first little teeny nibble of chocolate last night. We were at a fondue restaurant and I literally put a dot on my finger and let him taste. It's so hard to not give in!

  2. Love the shoes too! Congrats to your Aunt!
